
General Documentation

The Form module allows content editors to create highly configurable single step forms which include email confirmations and validations. To create multi-step forms that include custom logic, consider creating an extension.

Configuring a Form Item is broken into the following sections:


General Settings

Name Summary
Save submissions If checked, then each submission is saved as a child item under the Form Item
Instructions Instructional text to be displayed before form inputs.
Submit Button Text Text of submit button
Reset Button Text Text of reset button
Validation Error Summary Message to display if there are any validation errors after submission. 
Confirmation URL URL to redirect the user to upon successful submission of the form.
Confirmation Message Message to show to the user upon successful submission of the form. Used only if Confirmation URL is not supplied.

Admin Email Notification

Settings if an email should be sent to an administrator upon successful submissions of the form. Emails are sent using the SMTP settings set in Global Values.

Name Summary
To emails Coma delimited list of emails to sent notifications.
From address The From address in the notification email.
Subject title The subject in the notification email.
Custom body template

If supplied, the template to be used for the body of the notification email. Click the "Available Place Holders" link button to view available tokens that can be used inside the template. The {# Input:INPUTNAME } placeholder will print the value supplied in the form submission. 

Important: save the item first before place holders will show.

Confirmation Email Notification

Settings if an email should be sent to the user submitting the form. Emails are sent using the SMTP settings set in Global Values.

Name Summary
Enabled If checked, then the confirmation email should be sent upon successful submission of the form.
To address input name The name of the input (found in the Input Fields section) that contains the user's email address. If a confirmation email notification should be sent, then the form should require the user to provide their email address. 
From address The From address in the confirmation email.
Subject title The subject in the confirmation email.
Body template

Must be supplied if confirmation email is enabled. The template to be used for the body of the confirmation email. Click the "Available Place Holders" link button to view available tokens that can be used inside the template. The {# Input:INPUTNAME } placeholder will print the value supplied in the form submission.

Important: save the item first before place holders will show.


By default, a Form Item is displayed using a two column table with instructions appearing before the table and submit/reset buttons appearing after the table. It is possible to override this display by supplying a custom template. Click the "Available Place Holders" link button (important to save the item first before seeing the available tokens) to view the tokens that can be inserted into the custom template.

The {# Validators } placeholder denotes where Validator sub items are to be placed. Learn more about the overview of Validators.

Input Fields

This section is where a content editor can define the input fields presented on a form. Below are the types of input fields available:

Name Summary
Text box HTML textbox. Initial value is optional.
Text area HTML textarea. Initial value is optional.
Check box HTML checkbox. Initially checked is optional.
Radio button HTML radio button. Initially checked is optional. 
Hidden HTML hidden. Provides no visual display. Initial value is optional.
Password HTML textbox with masked characters. Initial value is optional.
File HTML file selector that allows a user to upload a file. Files submitted are attached to the admin notification email. Initial value is optional.
Drop down list HTML select with values coming from either a Data Item or custom list. Add the input first, then continue to Edit to specify the data source.
Radio button list List of HTML radio buttons with values coming from either a Data Item or custom list. Add the input first, then continue to Edit to specify the data source.
Check box list List of HTML check boxes with values coming from either a Data Item or custom list. Add the input first, then continue to Edit to specify the data source.


Validations can be added for any of the defined input fields. Each validation has the following properties:

Name Summary
Input Field The input field to validate.

Possibly values:

  • Required - For single input types such as Text box, whether a value is supplied. For multi-input types like Radio button list, whether there is at least one checked value.
  • Regular Expression - A regular expression to be matched against the supplied value. A regular expression pattern must be supplied if this is selected.
Error Message The message to be displayed when validation of the input field fails.