
General Documentation

The CMS comes with 7 reusable Value definitions, each based on a CMS data type.

Name Summary
Boolean The content editor is presented with a checkbox. If the Value is set to be not Required at the place it is used, then a tri-state checkbox is used to allow for a unspecified or NULL state.
DateTime The content editor is presented with a textbox input with a calendar control.
Decimal  The content editor is presentd with a textbox input that only allows numeric values and the period character.
Guid The content editor is presented with a textbox input. On saving of the value, validation is applied to the supplied content.
Integer The content editor is presented with a textbox input that only allows numeric values.
RichText The content editor is presented with a rich text editor.
Text The content editor is presentd with a textbox that can hold any string value.

These system values are made available as commonly used Values. You can create custom Values as needed. Custom Values created in the Values section of the Value Management Add-On are global and can be referenced for usage on Templates and on Snippets. One time use Values can be created directly from the Snippet Management section.

To create a custom value:

Once created, additional information can be set for the Value.

Setting Name Summary
Description A description for the purpose of the Value
Editor The form of an input to present to the content editor.
Enum Group Only available if the Editor is set to "Enum List". Sets the source of the Enumeration values to present to the content editor.
Selector Only available if the Editor is set to "Textbox". The following options are available in assisting content editors in selecting a value to be inserted into the textbox editor:
  • Item Name - Display's a CMS Item's name
  • Item Single Value - Display's a CMS Item's value at a defined value path.
  • Hyperlink - Either a hard coded hyperlink or from a CMS Page Item.
  • Media - Opens up the Media Manager to select the path of a media item.
  • Global Value - Display's a Global Value by specifying the group and key.
RegEx Pattern The regular expressions pattern the value content must match in order to be saved. Learn more about Regular Expressions.