
Core Modules Documentation

Connected Apps CMS is a module based platform. Aside from core entities such as users, security and site wide settings, every content centric feature are driven by the use of modules. Modules contain code logic and can contain processes that allow users to create, edit and display items to be used and rendered in the website. There are 10 built-in or core CMS modules that cover a wide spectrum of features for a website to use. For qualifying account levels, 3rd party developers can also create custom modules. Some examples of modules are the Page, Menu, Block and ListView modules. Each of these exists to provide a specialized and specific type of content and function. CMS modules are broken down into 3 types:




Contains logic with the goal to output content such as html. There are 4 types of views a Module should provided to the CMS framework:

  • WebView - Used to display on the front end web site.
  • AdminCreateItemView - Used in the workspace to display a form to initially create an item.
  • AdminEditView - Used in the workspace to display an Item when it is being edited.
  • AdminReadOnlyView - Used in the workspace to display an Item when it is not being edited.

Modules can also take on a validation function which make them known as "Validators". In addition to having the same behavior as a Module, Validators provide special code that is called by the CMS framework when an Item undergoes validation. Learn more about Validators.

Global Module

Used to hook into system wide events and contains logic to manipulate, intercept or cancel processes. Global modules run with an administrator’s permission level and are not used to output any content.


Acts as service end points with designated URLs that can referenced through client side script or consumed by other services. Services can be scoped further to specific modules to prevent unwanted callers.

Add On Separate areas that offer complete code customization. Add Ons act like applications that can be injected into the workspace.

Managing Extensions

Extension can be managed by clicking the Extensions in the workspace and then "Manage Extensions" in the menu. Only users with the administrator role can manage extensions.

Each extension type is listed in their respective tabs.

To enable an extension, click the Run icon next to the extension.

To disable an extension, click the Pause icon next to the extension.

The following properties can be set on extensions to limit access or define behavior.

Access Summary
User Security Access Allows the extension programmatic access to the CMS User API, which includes querying and modifying CMS Users. 
Membership User Security Access Allows the extension programmatic access to the CMS Membership User API,m which includes querying and modifying CMS Membership Users
File System Access Allows the extension programmatic access to the CMS instance's file system such as reading and write files and directories.
Requires Security Token Service only. If checked, then the service can only be accessed by callers providing a valid security token. To learn how to setup security tokens, click here.
Requires Secure Connection Service only. If checked, then the service can only be accessed over the https protocol.
Run as User Defines the CMS User identity (along with security access) the extension runs as.


Additional Resources

Extensions for Developers