
Core Modules Documentation

Global Values are named values that are categorized in groups. These values can be referenced throughout the CMS framework either through the API or through the following syntax:



Layout (Master or Template)

<Cms:GlobalValue Group="GROUPNAME" Setting="SETTINGNAME" />

Item Value

Just like item values, a global value can support multiple language content. When creating a new value group, the decision can be made to only allow a single version of a value by checking the “Single Language Only” checkbox.

To add values to a group, click the Add Setting link under each group header and supply the name to the new value setting. Setting names must be unique throughout each group.

If multiple languages are enabled for the CMS account, then a drop down list will be displayed for switching between each language.

Groups and Settings that do not offer a Delete action are system level values and cannot be modified. Below are a list of default system settings.

Group Setting Description
Mail Settings Smtp Host The host name of a smtp server to send outgoing emails.
Mail Settings Smtp Port The port of the smtp server.
Mail Settings Smtp Username The username of a valid account on the smtp server.
Mail Settings Smtp Password The password of the valid account.
Mail Settings Smtp Requires SSL True of False indicating whether the smtp server requires a SSL connection.
Google OAuth2 Client Id Client Id used to connect to Google services.
Google OAuth2 Client Secret Client secret used to connect to Google services.
Google OAuth2 Refresh Token Used to store an access token to Google services.
Google Analytics API Profile Id Profile Id used to display analytics information.
JavaScript Frameworks jQuery The non-SSL URL of the jQuery framework. This value can be used by modules that have dependencies on jQuery.
JavaScript Frameworks jQuery (Https) The SSL URL of the jQuery framework. If provided and a request for a web page is over SSL, then this value is used for any references to jQuery.