
General Documentation

The List View module lets content editors build Item queries with a variety of filters and then supply a custom format for display the results. Underneath, the List View module leverages the CMS Item search engine.

Some examples of List Views are:

A List View Item contains the following configurable sections:

Data Source

The List View requires a data source be specified. There are two supported sources of data.


Users can build the query the List View will use to retrieve items in the CMS instance.

To build the query, click the "open Query Builder" link button.

Filters are made up of the following pieces:

Once all filters are defined, sorting can be defined by selecting an Item field and a direction. Multiple sorts can be added.

Data Items

CMS Data Items can be used as a data source. By selecting a specific Data Item, it's data structure and containing values are used.


Querying is the first step in letting the List View know how to retrieve results. Templates are used to display these results. Do not confuse a List View's Template with CMS Layout Templates

Below are the following templates that can be specified. Each template type can either be supplied inline or be pulled from a Razor "asset view" file. If "From asset view" is selected, specify the path in the Media Manager the Razor file exists.

Layout Template

This template defines the overall template that List Item Template, Alternating List Item Template and Pager will be inserted into. Use the following two tokens:

List Item Template

This template defines how each result returned from the Query is displayed. Click the "Available Place Holders" link button to view the available tokens that can be used to display the result's details.

Alternating List Item Template

Similar to the List Item Template, the Alternating List Item Template, if specified, will be used on alternating loop iterations of a Query's results.

Empty Result Template

This template is used instead of the Layout and Item Template should the Query yield no results.

Pager Options

The results of the Query are limited to 100 items at a time. To help a web site visitor in navigating the pages of results, the List View will auto generate pagination links.

These are the available options: