
General Documentation

The Site Search module provides keyword searching of the Page Items in a CMS instance. The Site Search uses a Lucene.Net search index that is populated by a behind the scenes process that indexes each Page by going to it's assigned URL.

How Indexing Works

The Site Search only indexes the following two types of CMS content:

The indexer will also respect if a Page contains a "noindex" meta tag value. At the current time, the indexer will not read a site's robots.txt to determine if a resource should be excluded from being indexed.

When a Page or Media file is published or updated, the indexer will attempt to reach the resource using the "dev." prefixed domain. Learn more about the DNS Prerequisites.

For Page Items that are indexed, the indexer will read the entire markup which may be composed of other module items. Some of these items you might not want to appear in the index or you might simply want to control what parts of the markup that should be indexed. To help with these situations, the indexer supports the usage of special HTML comment tags. These tags are:

<!--cmson: indexing -->
<!--cmsoff: indexing -->

At the start of a HTML document, the indexer will add all markup to the index as it travels down the document. When the indexer comes across the "cmsoff: indexing" comment tag, the indexer will ignore all following markup until it encounters the "cmson: indexing" comment tag where it will begin adding to the index.

        <title>Page Title</title>
        <div id="topMenu">
            //Top menu links
        <h1>Main Header</h1>
        <div id="mainContent">
            //Main content
        <div> id="bottomMenu">
            //Bottom menu links

In the example above, all top menu links, main content and bottom menu links are indexed.

        <title>Page Title</title>
        <!--cmsoff: indexing -->
        <div id="topMenu">
            //Top menu links
        <!--cmson: indexing -->
        <h1>Main Header</h1>
        <div id="mainContent">
            //Main content
        <!--cmsoff: indexing -->
        <div> id="bottomMenu">
            //Bottom menu links
        <!--cmson: indexing -->

In the example above, the top menu and the bottom menu links are excluded from being indexed.

Additional Settings

The following settings define how search results are filtered.


Limits the search results to URLs within the selected domains.


Limits the search results to URLs within the selected languages.

Search Fields

Additional fields the search should consider when matching. If enabled, then an additional boost number can be assigned to give the field a higher weighting.


If media files are set to include in the search results, then file extensions and exclude directories can be specified.