
General Documentation

The Login module provides a highly configurable log in form that allows web site visitors to enter their username and password for Membership authentication. Underneath, the CMS SDK is used to authenticate the Membership User.  Upon successful authentication, the user is redirected to a default URL as specified in Site Settings > Page Redirects. An authenticated Membership User may have permission to view secured content as defined by Node and Item security policies. Learn more about Security.

The Login module is broken into the following sections:


The following settings are available:

Name Summary
Tile Text The heading text for the log in form.
User Name Text The text used to describe the user name input.
Password Text The text used to describe the password input.
Submit Text The submit button text.
Failure Text The error message when the user and password fails authentication.
Account Locked Text The error message when the user account is locked out, possibly due to exceeding the maximum number of log in attempts.
Ajax Enabled If checked, then supporting JavaScript files are registered to allow submission of the form without a full page post back.

Advanced Settings

A custom layout Template can be used when greater control is required for rendering the form. Use the listed tokens in the layout to indicate placement of the various form elements.