
Core Modules Documentation

Nodes or folders are containers for Layouts and Items. Nodes are presented in a hierarchical tree structure where the “Cms” node is the root. It is important to note that content items are not placed in the same node grouping as your website’s grouping of content or sitemap. Rather, the node structure in the workspace should be structured to reflect an administrative grouping. Take for example, a node called “Press Releases” might not map directly to a section on the website for press releases, but contains all press release content items because a security policy exist on this node to only allow CMS users who are assigned the security group “Marketing Communications” to add, delete, update and publish items in it.

Note that system nodes are nodes that cannot be removed or renamed.

Node Inheritance

By default when creating a node, its allowable module types, properties and security policies are inherited from the closest parent node that has chosen to break inheritance. If a suitable node is not found, then its settings are inherited from the CMS root node. Any node can be configured to break inheriting from its closest parent by checking the Break Inheritance checkbox and saving. When inheritance is broken, then this node will act as the parent for any sub nodes seeking to find its settings from a parent.

To break inheritance on a node:

  1. Right click any node other than Layout and Data
  2. Click Properties in the context menu
  3. Check "Break Inheritance"
  4. Click Save

Allowed Modules in a Node

A node can be restricted to only allow items from certain modules. Having these restrictions along with applying security policies allows granular management control.

To view the allowed modules in a node:

  1. Right click any node other than Layout and Data
  2. Click Properties in the context menu
  3. Check boxes will show next to each allowed module.

The Page module will be repeated for each defined Template. To modify the allowed modules, the node must break it's inheritance.

Node Properties

Nodes can be assigned custom properties that can be used from system wide searching and querying. To assign and apply custom properties to a node, the node must first break inheritance. Node properties must also first be defined in the Site Settings. Once defined and inheritance broken:

  1. Go to the node's properties window
  2. Clik the Properties tab
  3. Click on Assign Properties.
  4. Decide to assign properties to either the node or the items in the node
    • Assign by Node - Properties are available on the node itself
    • Assigny by Item - Properties are available on the items contained in the node
  5. On either the Assign Node Properties or Assign Item Properties tab
    1. Click Assign Property
    2. In the prompt:
      1. Select the property to assign
      2. Check "Required" if a value is required for this property
      3. Assign a default value for the property. Default values are used to fill the property when child nodes are created that inherit from the current node.
      4. Check "Multi-language" if multiple languages are enabled in the CMS instance and if this property should be able to hold a different value for each language.
      5. Click Assign Item or Node Property
  6. If assigning node properties, click the Back to Node Properties, the click the Properties tab to view the available properties.

Managing Node Security

To manage a node's security permissions:

  1. Right click any node
  2. Click Manage Security in the context menu

Security permissions are applied in two categories: