
Core Modules Documentation

The main interface for the Connected Apps CMS is through the workspace area pictured below. The workspace can be accessed by the /admin URL on the account’s base domain. For Basic accounts, the workspace can be accessed through the url "" where "XXXX" is the assigned key that can be found in your registration email.


  1. Links to manage core CMS entities like users, modules and site settings.
  2. Tab shortcuts that provide a quick way to bring focus to opened items and layouts for editing.
  3. Node specific commands to perform such tasks like adding a new item, managing node security policies or bulk actions like checking in, checking out, deleting and moving items.
  4. Content area. When clicking a node, a list of the node’s items are displayed here or when editing a CMS entity such as a layout or an item, the form is displayed here.
  5. Tree view of nodes. Right clicking a node will present a context menu that allows for renaming, adding, deleting nodes.