
Core Modules Documentation

Exceptions are notifications that are raised within the CMS framework and modules indicating that logic processing has left the planed execution flow. Exceptions are used to tell the framework that something did not process as normal. The CMS framework handles all exceptions and allows for the configuration of what to do in the case of excessive exceptions.

Clicking the View Messages link will display a log of all messages that are registered in the CMS account. Messages can be informative in nature, or represent details of an exception.

Listed below are the attributes of a message.




If provided, the name of the module that raised the exception.


If provided, the name of the item in which the module raised the exception.


The content of the message.


True if the message is an exception. False if the message is informative only.


The time in which the message is logged.

Since an exception is considered to be an abnormal event, the CMS framework can monitor the source of an exception and be configured to act accordingly.

Listed below are two settings that are used by the CMS framework in determining when to respond.

Once the CMS framework is triggered into action, the offending logic can be disabled either by disabling the specific Item or entire Module completely.