
Core Modules Documentation

When an Item is opened for viewing or editing, an action bar is presented for easy access to perform the main tasks associated with an Item. Depending on permission level and other statuses, the actions may differ user to user and Item to Item.

Save & Save as New – If visible, “Save” will save the current draft. “Save as New” will save the values as an incremental new draft.

Publish – Only visible if the Item checked out by the current user. If the current user has “Edit” permission on the Item, then prior to publishing, the Item will be saved automatically.

Check In – Only visible if the current user has the Item Checked Out. Checking in an Item allows another user to Check Out.

Check Out – Only visible if no other user has the Item checked out. Checking out an Item allows the current user to delete and publish any drafts.

Edit Drafts – Only visible if the current user does not have the Item checked out. Clicking this allows the user to continue editing their drafts even though they will not be able to publish them.

Delete Draft – Deletes the current draft. If the resulting delete leaves no other drafts, then the delete is not allowed.

Delete Item – Only visible if the current user has the Item checked out. Deleting the Item will delete all related data and will also delete all Draft Items based on this Item and across all users.

Properties – Opens a popup of editable properties for the current Item. Changes made here reflect immediately to the Item and not the current Draft Item.

Includes – Opens a popup that allows user defined script and style snippets and references that is included in the rendering of an Item. Item Includes are stored on Item Drafts and will not take effect until the Draft Item is published.

History – Opens a popup that displays versions of the current Item. If versioning is enabled on an Item then on every publish of the Item, the old Item’s values are stored as a snapshot. You can view each snapshot and choose to restore the Item using the snapshot’s values. When restoring from a snapshot, then a new draft is created for the current user and is automatically published. Restoring is only permitted for the user who has the Item checked out.

Security – Management of Item’s security policies. Only visible if the current user is allowed to manage the Item’s security.

Options – Opens a popup or additional settings that affect the behavior of an Item. Changes made here reflect immediately to the Item and not the current Draft Item.