
Core Modules Documentation

Properties are additional fields that can be applied to either Nodes or Items. Properties can be useful when built-in fields are not enough to describe a node or item. Before a node or item can accept values for properties, a property definition must first be created.

There are two types of properties:

Node and Item based properties can be scoped in the following ways:

Below is a description of the process of assigning data to properties:

Create Property Definition

Decide to create either a Node or Item based property definition and either a Global or Non-Global scope.

Assign a Node Property Definition

Only for Non-Global property definitions.

  • Go to the target node’s properties.
  • The node must break inheritance; otherwise the node will inherit properties from its parent node.
  • Click the Assign Properties link
  • Make sure the tab “Assign Node Properties” is highlighted, if not, then click this tab.
  • Click the Assign Property button.
  • Go back to the Node properties.
  • Newly assigned properties are now present and ready to receiving user data.

Assign an Item Property Definition

Only for Non-Global property definitions. Assigning an item based property is done to all items under a node therefor can be assigned at the node level.

  • Go to the target node’s properties.
  • The node must break inheritance. Properties on Items are not inherited from parent nodes.
  • Click the Assign Properties link
  • Make sure the tab “Assign Item Properties” is highlighted, if not, then click this tab.
  • Click the Assign Property button.
  • To supply values to the newly assigned item properties, edit any item in this node and click the Properties action button.

When assigning a property to either a Node or Item based property, supply the following information:

Note: Changes to item based properties are reflected in the Item upon saving the draft item and do not require publishing the draft item.

Additional Resources

How to: Create Item Properties
How to: Create Node Properties
How to: Assign Item Properties
How to: Assign Node Properties